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Uniunea Europeana dupa criza datoriilor suverane

14 octombrie 2011
Gazda: Banca Nationala a Romaniei

Includerea Romaniei intr-unul din cele mai importante grupuri geo-politice internationale: Bilderberg

„In vremuri de rascruce, aportul unor experti care pot aduce o noua perspectiva asupra situatiei este intotdeauna binevenit. Refuzul de a confrunta problema, acumularea de griji privind viitorul, nu sunt abordari utile in aceste vremuri. Din contra, incercarea de a intelege si de a incorpora expertiza diferitilor oameni pentru a capata o perspectiva mai ampla, globala asupra alternativelor viitoare reprezinta calea catre succes.” Mihai Craiu, PDG MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL

Data de 14 octombrie 2011 a reprezentat un moment unic in istoria Europei de Est: doi din cei mai influenti si puternici lideri geo-politici ai lumii, Vicontele Etienne Davignon, (Presedintele Grupului Bilderberg) si Dl. Richard Haas (Presedintele Consiliului Relatiilor cu Straintatea), au participat la conferinta: ‘Uniunea Europeana dupa criza datoriilor suverane’, gazduita de Banca Nationala a Romaniei.

Placing Romania on the map of one of the most important geo-political international groups: Bilderberg!

Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL

October 14th, 2011 was a unique moment in Eastern Europe: Two of the most influential and powerful global geo-political leaders, Viscount Étienne Davignon, (President of Bilderberg Group) and Mr. Richard Haas, (President of the Council of Foreign Relations) have attended the conference: ‘The European Union after the sovereign debt crisis.’ hosted by the Romanian National Bank. Viscount Étienne Davignon and Mr. Richard Haas, have accepted to hold the conference at the invitation of Mihai Craiu (representing MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL) together with the Romanian newspaper Puterea and the Romanian News channel Realitatea TV.

Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission, Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL, Richard N. Haass, President Council on Foreign Relations, Adrian Thiess, Founder PUTEREA Newspaper.

Richard N. Haass, President Council on Foreign Relations, Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission, Mugur Isarescu, BNR President.

Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL, Richard N. Haass, President Council on Foreign Relations, Adrian Thiess, Founder PUTEREA Newspaper.

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